Warmth and Accountability
Warmth, friendliness, and responsiveness are essential in our role as counselors to our clients. We strive to be the communication partner that everyone wants. We always default to friendliness and warmth, and we respond to clients in a timely manner. Our communication is always professional and timely, even when we are delivering hard news. We don’t put off calls that we dread. We bravely confront hard truths and push through difficult times.
And, we are accountable for our behavior. Our ethical code is our sword and our shield. We trust that if we are being honest and ethical, then we will never have reason to regret our words or behavior. When we are wrong, we: promptly admit it; demonstrate that we understand where we came up short; and identify where we could improve in the future. We are not embarrassed for making mistakes, rather, we understand that we are human beings and we work with human beings. We are all imperfect. We will always work hard to make up for our errors. We remember to be compassionate for the human in all of us. When screw ups happen, we extend grace.
Meet the Client Where They Are
We meet our clients where they are in life. Meeting our clients where they are means being non-judgmental. The client comes to us when they have a problem. We do not judge our clients for their lot in life. Our mission is to help our client through whatever challenge they are confronted with in a way that is warm, friendly, responsive, and accountable.
Simple solutions to complex problems
We are zealous advocates of “Simple is best.” We do not make simple situations complex. For example, if we can say it in fewer words, we will.
Uncommon Value
We search for value propositions for our clients that add uncommon value to their lives. We believe in the Japanese practice of “kaizen.” We are constantly seeking to improve our selves. Excellence is our aim, continuous improvement is our practice.
Yet, we manage expectations. We are realistic with the promises we make clients. We hope that our striving leads to value that exceeds expectations.
Work-Life Balance
We do not live to work. We work to live. Our jobs are meaningful and worthwhile; yet, there is more to life than work. We seek harmony between our working lives and our personal lives. Getting it right means that we achieve a positive feedback loop that enhances both.
Boutique Feel, Seamless Experience
Estate planning is not just for people who have “estates.” It’s for everyone. Our goal for each representation is to provide a service that is tailored to the client’s unique circumstances and needs. We are not a “big law firm.” Each location of Speedwell Law is small enough to know and remember each client. And, our process is designed to feel effortless. Give us the car keys, and we will take you to your destination.
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Click here to learn about our intake process before you schedule a discovery call. Also, please respect our time and schedule a discovery call only when you’re ready to hire an attorney.